8. maaliskuuta 2015

Kokeilutunnilla Tavelassa 8.3.15

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Seitsemän innokasta kokeilijaa osallistui PIFFIn alkeistunnille Tavelassa sunnuntaina 8.3.15.
Kolme PIFFIläistä oli paikalla taluttamassa hevosia ja neljä ratsastajaa meni reippaasti ilman talutusta heti alusta alkaen, vaikka joukossa oli myös aivan ensi kertaa selässä olevia!
Hevoset toimivat oikein kiltisti, ja tunnilla päästiin pysäyttämisen ja pujottelun lisäksi harjoittelemaan myös ravipätkiä.

Alla hieman tunnille osallistuneiden tunnelmia, sekä kuvia tallilta:

Osa tuntilaisista pääsi hoitamaan oman ratsunsa sekä ennen tuntia että sen jälkeen

Olipa hyvä ja aika positiivinen kokemus. Hevonen Aaro, jolla mä ratsastin, oli kiltti ja helppo ratsastaa. Opettaja selitti kaiken selvästi. Nyt tuntuu siltä, että selviydyn ja voin kokeilla myös issikkamaastoa.
- Denis

Monet ratsastivat ensimmäistä kertaa, ja heti ilman talutusta!

Joskus pissihätä iskee kesken töiden! Wado-poni
 I went to PIFFI stables on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day, to overcome my fear of horses. I thought horses were big, scary, and smelly. I was an idiot. They are probably the most beautiful and smart creatures on earth, and they are treated with much care there, which means they are clean and smell very natural. I assure you I did not smell like a horse afterwards.
Horses are, of course, different. With some, I had immediate eye contact and ‘love-at-first-sight’; but I could also feel a ‘no’ coming from the others. They all have their personalities, and it takes time to get to know them. My horse companion’s name was Finaal. He had that incredible expression in his eyes, and, though playful when I was on the ground, he was absolutely responsive and disciplined while riding.
I learnt that the art of horse riding is not about the horses at all, it is mainly about you: finding a balance, a rhythm, and a common language with your horse. It is an incredible sensation, when you turn your head in the direction where you want to turn, the horse feels a subtle shift of balance, and turns before you actually urge him/her on. Yes, it is scary to sit so high, it is hard to maintain the equilibrium on the curves, you probably look like a sack of potatoes on a horse when you are trotting for the first time (here comes the best part: one of my breasts jumped out of the bra while trotting!), and your bottom hurts the next day, but this is learning.
Two things I want to emphasize about the team: they are very efficient and friendly in communication, and are truly concerned with our concerns. I was really privileged and lucky to have Inka by my side, she was a perfect guide to “the Horse World”, and I felt safe and protected. Inka kindly took a picture of me on the horse (I did not take any camera with me, but they made provisions for everything, including the pictures). Looking at that picture, my mother said she had never seen my back so straight in my whole life. Well, it is the rider position, isn’t it?.. but it is also my pride showing through. 

- Sofya (exchange student, MARIHE program)

Komea ratsu Finaal
Suloinen suokkitamma Vinha
Pienistä ongelmista huolimatta oli hauskaa päästä ratsastamaan pitkästä aikaa. Kokeilusta jäi hyvä mieli ja olen myös jatkossa kiinnostunut tulevista tapahtumista. :)
- Ella

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